The REAL Independents: Who are we?
So, you’re probably hearing about independent politicians left, right and centre in the lead up to the 2021 Local Government elections. But what does an independent stand for, and why does it matter?
Well, an independent candidate is a candidate with no affiliation to a political party. Independents are in the unique position where we don’t have to conform to a party policy set by a bunch of politicians all over the state, or even the country. Independents are there for you, but also with you. The policies that are created by independents are done with one thing in mind- the community.

The community and their needs are the absolute heart of what we stand for. Independents have the ability to get to the core of the issue and react accordingly. We are only accountable to you, your neighbour, your local coffee guy, your friends from the dog park, the woman that bakes the delectable loaf of hard-on-outside-yet-soft-and-fluffy-on-the-inside bread that you get from the local deli (if you know, you know). We’re your neighbours, and we’re standing up and listening. That’s what makes us so unique, and always the best choice.

Now, North Sydney has a very long history of independent candidates. You hear Ted Mack, and you think North Sydney. You think of North Sydney, and you think of independents. Ted Mack ran for North Sydney Council because he was ticked off about local development and that frustration morphed into an unreal political career, where the needs of the community were always put first.
But did you know that you can be a card-carrying member of a political party, but still run as an independent? That’s because some of the big parties don’t officially endorse candidates in this area. That also leaves the door open for non-card-carrying-but-very-very-sympathetic-to-big-parties’ candidates to run as independents. Tricky, right? So, we wanted to make it very clear that we are neither of those. We have never been affiliated, in any official or non-official capacity, with any party.
We are The Real Independent’s, and we’re asking you to join us in unlocking the enormous potential that the North Sydney LGA holds.

It’s time to return our Council to true independent community hands.
The only way to do this is to Vote 1 for The REAL Independents on Saturday 4 December 2021. We’ll see you there!