Can you help us
Fill out our online volunteer form here and we will contact you.
Alternatively, feel free to contact us by phone/text on:
Zoë: 0438 857 547
MaryAnn: 0411 829 995
We know your time is valuable - any assistance you are able to offer is very much appreciated.
Here's how you can support our re-election campaign:

Host a poster (corflute) on your fence or in your front window

Letterboxing flyers - we will need help with distribution

Volunteer to doorknock with us - an hour, two hours, half or whole days

Volunteer to hand out flyers at transport hubs and local village centres

Host a "Kitchen Table" meet with Zoe and MaryAnn in person or by Zoom

Volunteer to hand out at pre-poll. Pre-poll starts on Saturday 7 September 2024 for one week (ending 13 September 2024). There are likely to be two locations, yet to be announced. Any time you can give: an hour, two hours, half or whole days - all helps

Election day: volunteer for handing out on election day and recruit friends and neighbours to commit to some time for handing out on election day an hour, two hours, half or whole days - all helps

Volunteer to scrutineer on election night - we can train you!

Word of Mouth – talk to everyone you know; participate and post to social media - don't underestimate the power of your opinion!

Donate or help with fundraising – ask 5 friends, supporters, neighbours to donate, any amount is welcome - how to donate
Get Involved
Can you help us fight for our community?
Donations under $1,000 are classed as "small political donations" and donors do not need to disclose the donation to the NSW Electoral Commission.
Reportable political donations are donations of $1,000 or more. For more information see
Thank you for your generosity, every dollar will help keep North Sydney independent.
Credit card Donations
Direct deposit to the:
MaryAnn Beregi Zoe Baker Election Account
BSB: 112 879
Account Number: 472 693 204
St George Bank
Thank you for helping us make a difference!