Community + Climate + People
Public Interest Over Self Interest
The Real Independents
Mayor Zoë Baker
Mayor Zoë Baker was first elected to Council in 2008 and brings energy, intelligence and integrity to her role. As Mayor, Zoë has worked diligently to build and strengthen community connections across the diverse groups that make North Sydney such a special place in which to live, study and work. She has a passion for urban design and planning and a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation in all aspects of Council decision making.
Zoë is committed to true public participation, accountability and transparency in shaping Council’s policies, plans and services. During her time on Council, Zoë has served as:
Deputy Mayor
Director, Local Government NSW (2013-2015)
Chair of Council's Environmental Reference Group
Established and chaired Council's Educational Institutions Working Group
Council's Delegate Community Advisory Group - St Leonards Priority Precinct
Council's Delegate to Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Council
Chair, Waverton Peninsula Working Group
Chair, Council's Sustainable Transport Working Group
Zoë is passionate about North Sydney, highly principled and committed to fiercely representing community interests on Council. She was motivated to stand for election in order to make a difference to her community, in particular on planning and environmental issues.
Zoë is married with a teenage daughter. She has an Honours degree in Government from the University of Sydney and holds a Certificate of Excellence in Local Government.
Zoë is an independent and has never been a member of a political party.
Councillor MaryAnn Beregi
Councillor MaryAnn Beregi was first elected to North Sydney Council in 2012. MaryAnn lives in Neutral Bay with her husband, their three children, their dogs Louie and Lola and cat Milo. MaryAnn is regularly out and about in the North Sydney LGA walking her dogs on the Cremorne Point and Lavender Bay harbour walks or letting them play in Primrose Park and St Leonards Park. MaryAnn is a dedicated, albeit reluctant runner. Early on (some) Friday morning’s, she can be found at Bradfield Park joining the UnOffical Run Club on their weekly run across the bridge, around the Opera House and back, or, on (some) Saturday mornings being part of the North Sydney Park Run in St Leonards Park.
MaryAnn holds a Master of Science from Oxford University and Bachelor of Arts (pure mathematics and mathematical statistics) from Sydney University. MaryAnn's professional career includes management roles in the financial services and professional education sectors, including at the Securities Institute (now FINSIA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAA). MaryAnn is also qualified secondary school mathematics teacher and has taught in schools and colleges in Sydney and London. MaryAnn also holds a Certificate of Excellence in Local Government.
MaryAnn is committed to ensuring that North Sydney is an inclusive, vibrant and accessible place for the large community that lives, works, attends school or university or visits the North Sydney Local Government Area. She is committed to ensuring that Council employs a rigourous, evidence-based and sustainable framework for decision making.
Currently MaryAnn serves as:
Chair, North Sydney Council’s Access and Inclusion Committee
Chair, Open Space and Recreation Reference Group
Council’s Delegate - North Sydney Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC)
Council’s Delegate - Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
Council’s Delegate - Sydney Harbour Trust Sub Base Platypus Advisory Committee
MaryAnn has also served as Deputy Mayor and a member of the General Manager’s Performance Review Panel.
MaryAnn is an independent and has never been a member of a political party.
A word from...
As real independents, we compete against cashed up "independents" and parties. Our reelection relies on grassroots action and support.
We know that times are tough and are grateful for any support that you can give.
It is your energy, enthusiasm and time that can really make the difference to ensure that a progressive, stable, community-focussed Council is returned on 14 September 2024.
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